Shannon Hills is having special meetings this week and showing a video series entitled "The Truth Project." We went tonight and I thoroughly enjoyed being intellecutally challenged about philosophy and biblical worldviews, it was great reminder about "renewing our minds" (Romans 12:2). A good deal of the lecture was about the definition of philosophy and Carl Sagan's view of the "cosmos." Ironically, as we were walking through the parking lot to our car Sadie was singing "Circle of Life" (from the Lion King, eerily familiar to the humanist's God-less perspective on life). We have some work to do.
To Sadie's defense, she did just go see "The Lion King" (in 3D!) with her Daddy. A couple weekends ago I got a call and decided to work a 24 at the Charlotte job instead of travel to Richmond, VA, where Steven was speaking the following day. The boys went to Charlotte with me and Sadie got a "special trip" with Daddy. When I asked if she was behaving Steven replied "of course she is, I'm giving her everything she asks for today" The trip started out with a Dollar General run to stock up on Candy and Fruit Loops. She talked the entire 3 hour trip and after they dropped their stuff off at the church (they have this great little apartment attached to the church that the speaker stays in), they went to McDonald's for dinner and then the movies. I talked to her that night and she was in no way missing Mama, she told me she was going to send me a postcard. Steven says she was wired and probably not quite asleep before he was. I hope that was the first of many sweet trips they get to take together.
Eli is still cracking us up most of the time. He is quite dramatic and can be such a whiner (who ever said girls whine and boys don't was wrong, at least in the Harrell family). He gives lots of kisses and likes his "pogams" on tv but spends most of his time finding the highest horizontal surface, climbing onto it, then jumping off. No broken bones yet, but he did break a lamp this week. He is loving to read lately and I've just had to get used to his constant repeating of every word I say. His favorite one right now is "Uncle Bigtoot (bigfoot)" We are still doing a lot more talking about potty training than actually doing it, I tell him most days how big boys (which he is, he has no doubt) pee in the potty. The other day he walked in on Steven using the bathroom and after looking him up and down to make sure he knew what was going on he replied with certainty "you a big boy!"
Speaking of big boys,I took David to the doctor today and he weighs in at 15 pounds, 5 ounces! It's only the 50th percentile but he seems huge to me! After scrawny Sadie I never thought I'd have such a chunky monkey. I also thought if I ever had a fat baby that surely he would sleep through the night by now, but apparently I was wrong about that too. That being said I should close this out so I can get some sleep while I can. Between my night owl, my early riser, and my night feeder my sleep is quite deprived at the moment. But I know this too shall pass... and then I'll just miss them being babies! Goodnight~
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