Monday, February 1, 2010

Sadie Sadie Sadie

Over the course of the weekend she Sadie has said so many cute things and since I use this blog as a sort of journal for my kids, I have to repeat them here so I wont forget them.
I have started feeding Eli some real people food but often tell Sadie that he doesn't have enough teeth for whatever it is she is trying to feed him, so the other day I fixed Sadie some peanut butter Ritz crackers (quite a treat) and she didn't finish them. She told me she wanted to give them to Molly and Maddie (our neighbor's dogs, she loves them). I told her that they couldn't have them and she promptly replied "I tink they have enough teeth."
Saturday night some of our friends were coming for dinner so I was trying to dry my hair and put on some make-up while Sadie and Eli were rummaging through my bathroom cabinets (as I'm sure other mothers can testify at times you don't pay real close attention to what they are getting into as long as they are letting you get ready). I heard Sadie say "Eli, sit here, it's comfy," and I looked down to find an unwrapped maxi pad stuck to the bathroom floor with Sadie dragging Eli over to sit on it. If only she knew that they're not just tiny little seat cushions.
Sunday morning I called my parents and found out that my Mom had a stomach bug. I told Sadie a little later that Nana was sick. I watched her face and couldn't figure out what she was thinking, I began to wonder if she was possibly not very compassionate, when she says "let's pray for her right now." Yes, it was a sweet little moment. I probably wouldn't have forgotten that one.
I know I don't talk about Eli as much as Sadie right now, so here's a quick update on him. He's waving. He loves Ritz crackers. He's working on his 4th tooth and the other 3 are so cute. He's very tender-hearted and sticks his bottom lip out with just a reprimand, quite different from his sister. He's my little buddy. He is also excited to welcome a new little friend, although he doesn't know it yet. My best friend from home just had a little boy this weekend, she already has 2 little girls that Sadie absolutely loves. We went to Charlotte specifically to spend some time with them before she had the baby and Sadie was in little girl heaven. Now as soon as baby Jonathan grows up a little he and Eli can run around and irritate their big sisters, I still can't believe Julie and I have grown up and produced 5 more little people! Crazy.

Here are Sadie and her friends, Anna and Abbey... playing dress up was never so fun!

They tried to make Eli join in but he wasn't very interested.

Here's my cuties in the tub, Eli is almost a big as Sadie!

Off to fix some supper, until next time!


  1. I absolutely love this post. Sadie, Sadie.

  2. I love your blog Sallie. I have added it to my google reader. I love the maxi pad story, the prayer time and the pictures of Clay the best! Oh, and Abby Joy, she is of course very cute looking at Eli in his hat!
