Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Waitin' on pee pee

It is amazing what is exciting to you after you become a Mom. We are currently potty-training Sadie (of course she picks the weekend we go out of town to decide to start wearing her panties, as if my Mom didn't have enough on her hands with Sadie, Eli, and my 92 year old Grandma to take care of). Despite a few accidents (one doesn't count, she was stuck in Eli's closet and couldn't get out in time), Sadie is doing quite well with using the potty. Anyone that knows Sadie knows she can't sit still for long, so I had to make up a song for those times that the pee pee doesn't come immediately. "Waitin' on pee pee" is the name of the song, the lyrics vary with the mood of the day. Sadie seems to like it. She also seems to like big girl panties, although they don't make them small enough to really fit her. She also would prefer "deer panties" to little mermaid, but they don't make those either. The picture above (in case you're looking at the date), was actually taken several weeks ago, when it was just fun to sit on the potty and read magazines. Now she's so quick I don't have time to take pictures!

Steven and I went away to Baltimore, Maryland this weekend for Todd's wedding. Todd and Steven were roomates at NC State all 4 years, and had been high school buddies since the 9th grade. I will not tell you how they became friends, it is only funny in a 9th grade boy sort of way. We got to hang out with our "NC State friends", including Matt and Jenn (on the left), Maegan and Lee (on our right), and Scott and Katie (not pictured as they didn't quite make it to the wedding). Jenn, Maegan, and I left 5 babies 2 and under (between the 3 of us) so it was quite a night to be out without them. The wedding was beautiful and it was a quick but fun get-away for Steven and I. Eli began chanting "Mamamama" this weekend and one time Sadie looked at him and said "Mama is on a TRIP!" Their first conversation? Maybe. Thank you Mom for being Super Nana this weekend and taking care of my kids! They loved it and we love YOU. Ok it is way past my bedtime so I am out!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The children are asleep and I assume Steven is too since he never resurfaced after putting Sadie to bed. I will eventually go get him but he must be exhausted to have fallen asleep in his normal prime working time. Now I'm siting in his quiet office and spent way too much time on Facebook, so I decided to write a quick blog and then go to bed. No pictures tonight but I thought I'd record some of Sadie's latest funnies.
-We were driving in the car when she told one of our friends that "Sometimes, cows poop and dey don't wipe themselves" (an observation she made with her Grandpa, I believe).
-She has learned to "blow like a deer" as she and her Daddy crawl around the floor pretending to be "sawn deers and doe deers and buck deers" ("S" for "F" in Sadie language). I dread the day when she discovers what hunting is all about and why Daddy is always looking for them in the fields.
-"Go to da left and go to da right" whenever we are driving, the first time was on a beltline around Atlanta when Steven and I were trying to get to Hilton Head, Sadie pipes in with her directions. It's always the same.
-I asked Sadie if she heard Eli crying on the monitor while he was napping in his crib. A few minutes went by and I couldn't find her. I went upstairs and she is sitting IN his crib. She's answers "Eli's awake!" I couldn't fuss at her for waking him up because he was having a ball with her in the crib. Just hope it doesn't happen in the middle of the night!
-Steven as since corrected her (much to my dismay) but for a while she would ask for "Lucky Arms" for breakfast, this is also revealing my bad parenting I realize....
This is all I can think of for now. Thank the Lord for children and the many laughs they provide!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

This post is way overdue, but we have finished our summer with a bang and a lot of traveling. We went to Hilton Head last week with my parents for a few days and after coming home and working we seemed to take all week to get the house back in order. Vacations didn't seem to be that much work when I was a kid, I'm not sure what happened to change that, I guess I grew up. Here is a picture of Eli and my Dad at Hilton Head.

This long weekend has been great, Friday night we went to dinner with some friends and my parents came up from Charlotte. My brother and his family joined us Saturday for a great family day of swimming, riding the four wheeler, and going to see the cows in the back of the truck ( for a picture). Sadie faked her nap so was quite tired by the time her cousins left and actually fell asleep in my Mom's arms (she didn't mind a bit). Yesterday was Steven's parents 40th anniversary (Congratulations Benne and Carolyn!) and we spent the day with them as well as Leslie's oldest 3 kids so Sadie had yet another fun cousin day. Today we went to Mountain Top for the annual Labor Day Picnic and enjoyed the day up there. I was a little embarrased, however, because the brochure said "bring a picnic lunch, drinks will be provided" So I got up this morning and made sandwiches, threw an open bag of chips and some grapes in the cooler, and we were off. I was dismayed to find out it actually was a PotLuck lunch and there was a beautiful spread of food that I couldn't contribute to (I wasn't about to cut up my boring ham and cheese sandwiches and put an open bag of chips on the table). So we sat in the corner and quietly ate our sandwiches, if anyone asked I was tempted to tell them we were "gluten-free" or something but thankfully no one noticed. I did hit the dessert table though, I couldn't resist. Oh well, live and learn.

Tonight we got home and enoyed a few hours outside, coloring, playing with play-dough, and working in the yard. As usual our little tomboy ended up shirtless, thankfully no peeing in the grass tonight, and had a blast helping Daddy with the yardwork.

You can see the famous cows that Sadie loves across the street here, as she carries dirt to the bush that apparently needed some.

And finally, my sweet Eli, who hit 5 months the other day! Such a happy baby.
I am thankful for this life that the good Lord has provided for us, thankful most of all for His salvation and His love for us. Goodnight!